
Worm by Wildbow
Worm by Wildbow

By the time of Ward she's dormant like the other Endbringers until the emergence of Kronos. In Ward there's no indication that she ever tried again after the attempt seen there was thwarted. Aborted Arc: One of the And the Adventure Continues setups at the end of Worm was the Simurgh attempting to clone Eidolon.

Worm by Wildbow

This page contains unmarked spoilers for the previous series you have been warned. As of May 3, 2020, Ward is complete, to be followed by a story set in the same universe as Pact, Pale. It can be read here and the character sheet is under construction here. Following the events of the previous series, Victoria Dallon, previously known as Glory Girl of Brockton Bay's New Wave, is released from her asylum and is forced to find her way in a fractured world. Ward is the fourth Web Serial Novel written by Wildbow, following Twig, and the second novel in the Parahumans series as the direct sequel to the hit web novel Worm, taking place two years later. She’s put in a position to make the decision: will she compromise to help forge what they call, with dark sentiment, a second golden age? Or will she stand tall as a gilded dark age dawns? She’s perhaps the person least suited to have anything to do with this tenuous peace or to stand alongside these false heroes. The facilities hosted parahumans and their victims, but the facilities are ruined or gone one of many fragile ex-patients is left to find a place in a fractured world. None feel the injustice of this new status quo or the lack of established footing more than the past residents of the parahuman asylums.

Worm by Wildbow